• Measurement of Voltages and Currents

    Sine waves
    Square waves
    Measuring Voltages and Currents
    Analogue Ammeters and Voltmeters the following lectures will assume a basic understanding of these topics
    Digital Multimeters
  • Introduction

    Alternating currents and voltages vary with time and periodically change their direction

  • Instantaneous Value

    shape of the sine wave is defined by the sine functiony = A sin θ
    in a voltage waveform

    Angular Frequency

    frequency f (in hertz) is a measure of the number of cycles per second
    each cycle consists of 2π radians
    therefore there will be 2πf radians per second
    this is the angular frequency ω (units are rad/s). ω = 2πf

    Equation of a Sine Wave

    The angular frequency ω can be thought of as the rate
    at which the angle of the sine wave changes at any time. - θ=ωt
    therefore - v=Vp sin ωt   or   v=Vp sin 2πft
    similarly - i=Ip sin ωt   or   i=Ip sin 2πft

    Sine Waves

    Sine Waves - by far the most important form of alternating quantity
    important properties are shown in this diagram
    📷 A Sine Wave
    🎥 Watch Video

    Alternating Voltages and Currents

    Alternating current (a.c.) is easier, more convenient and cheaper to
    generate than direct current (d.c.).
    📷 Figure 1 is an example of a.c. generation. An emf (voltage) is
    generated in the coil which varies in magnitude and reverses in polarity
    at regular intervals

    A.C. Generator

    An AC Generator
    an ac generator an ac generator
    A Sine Wave
    A Sine Wave
    Alternating Current - Figure 1
    Alternating current figure 1
    Voltage reference points diagram
  • Phase angles

    The expressions given above assume the angle of the sine wave is zero at t = 0
    If this is not the case the expression is modified by adding the angle at t = 0
    Phase Angles diagram

    Phase difference

    Two waveforms of the same frequency may have a constant
    phase difference.
    We say that one is phase-shifted with respect to the other
    example 2.2 diagram


    - see Example 2.2 in the course text.

    Determine the equation of the following voltage signal.
    example 2.2 diagram
    From the diagram:
    Period is 50ms = 0.05 s
    Thus f = 1/T =1/0.05 = 20 Hz
    Peak voltage is 10 V
    Therefore, v=Vp sin 2πft  =  10sin 2π20t  =  10sin 126t

    Kirchhoffs Current Law Diagram
    Kirchhoffs Current Law Diagram
    Series Diagram
    Parallel Diagram
  • r.m.s. value of a sine wave

    the instantaneous power (p) in a resistor is given by

    therefore the average power is given by

    where is the mean-square voltage

    While the mean-square voltage is useful, more often we use the square root of this quantity, namely the root-mean-square voltage Vrms
    where Vrms =
    We can also define Irms =

    it is relatively easy to show that (see text for analysis)

    Average value of a sine wave

    Average value over one (or more) cycles is clearly zero.
    However, it is often useful to know the average magnitude of the waveform independent of its polarity
    we can think of this as the average value over half a cycle…
    … or as the average value of the rectified signal

    Sine Value

    Sine Value
  • Peak factor

    for any waveform the peak factor is defined as
    for a sine wave this gives

    Square Waves

    Frequency, period, peak value and peak-to-peak value have the same meaning for all repetitive waveforms

    r.m.s. value of a sine wave (cont.d)

    r.m.s. values are useful because their relationship to average power is similar to the corresponding DC values
    Sine Value

    Form factor

    for any waveform the form factor is defined as
    Sine Value
    for a sine wave this gives
    Sine Value
  • Average and r.m.s. values

    the average value of a symmetrical waveform is its average value over the positive half-cycle
    thus the average value of a symmetrical square wave is equal to its peak value
    similarly, since the instantaneous value of a square wave is either its peak positive or peak negative value, the square of this is the peak value squared, and

    Form factor and peak factor

    from the earlier definitions, for a square wave

    Phase angle

    we can divide the period into 360o or 2π radians
    useful in defining phase relationship between signals
    in the waveforms shown here, B lags A by 90o
    Sine Value
    we could alternatively give the time delay of one with respect to the other

    Pause for Thought

    What kind of voltage is coming from the mains supply, d.c. or a.c.?
    What is the frequency of the mains supply?
    What is the frequency of d.c. voltage?
    What is the peak value of the mains supply?
  • Worked Example 2

    An alternating voltage is given by v = 75 sin (200t - 2.5) volts.
    Find the amplitude Vmax, the peak to peak value (2×V max), the rms value Vrms, the periodic time P, the frequency ƒ and the relative phase angle Φ

    Worked Example 1

    An alternating voltage is given by v = 282.8 sin 314t volts. Find the rms voltage, the frequency and the instantaneous value when t = 4 ms.

    Sine Value

    Sine Value
  • Measuring Voltages and Currents

    🎥 Watch Video

    Loading effects – voltage measurement

    our measuring instrument will have an effective resistance (RM)
    when measuring voltage we connect a resistance in parallel with the component concerned which changes the resistance in the circuit and therefore changes the voltage we are trying to measure
    this effect is known as loading

    Sine ValueSine Value

    Measuring voltage and current in a circuit

    when measuring voltage we connect across the component
    when measuring current we connect in series with the component

    Sine Value

  • Analogue Ammeters and Voltmeters

    Most modern analogue ammeters are based on moving-coil meters
    see Chapter 13 of textbook

    Sine Value

    Meters are characterised by their full-scale deflection (f.s.d.) and their effective resistance (RM)
    typical meters produce a f.s.d. for a current of 50 μA – 1 mA
    typical meters have an RM between a few ohms and a few kilohms

    Loading effects – current measurement

    our measuring instrument will have an effective resistance (RM)
    when measuring current we connect a resistance in series with the component concerned which again changes the resistance in the circuit and therefore changes the current we are trying to measure
    this is again a loading effect

    Sine ValueSine Value

  • Measuring direct voltages using a moving coil meter
    use a series resistor to adjust sensitivity
    see Example 2.6 in the set text for numerical calculations

    Sine Value

    Measuring direct currents using a moving coil meter
    use a shunt resistor to adjust sensitivity
    see Example 2.5 in the set text for numerical calculations

    Sine Value

  • Analogue multimeters

    General purpose instruments use a combination of switches and resistors to give a number of voltage and current ranges.
    - a rectifier allows the measurement of AC voltage and currents
    - additional circuitry permits resistance measurement
    - very versatile but relatively low input resistance on voltage ranges produces considerable loading in some situations

    Sine Value

    Measuring alternating quantities

    Moving coil meters respond to both positive and negative voltages, each producing deflections in opposite directions.
    - a symmetrical alternating waveform will produce zero deflection (the mean value of the waveform).
    - therefore we use a rectifier to produce a unidirectional signal.
    - meter then displays the average value of the waveform.
    - meters are often calibrated to directly display r.m.s. of sine waves.
    all readings are multiplied by 1.11 – the form factor for a sine wave
    - as a result waveforms of other forms will give incorrect readings.
    for example when measuring a square wave (for which the form factor is 1.0, the meter will read 11% too high)

  • Measurement of voltage, current and resistance is achieved using appropriate circuits to produce a voltage proportional to the quantity to be measured .
    in simple DMMs alternating signals are rectified as in analogue multimeters to give its average value which is multiplied by 1.11 to directly display the r.m.s. value of sine waves
    more sophisticated devices use a true r.m.s. converter which accurately produced a voltage proportional to the r.m.s. value of an input waveform

    Sine Value

    Digital Multimeters

    Digital multimeters (DMMs) are often (inaccurately) referred to as digital voltmeters or DVMs.
    at their heart is an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) .
    - therefore we use a rectifier to produce a unidirectional signal.

    Sine Value

  • Digital oscilloscope

    Digital oscilloscopes use an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) and appropriate processing.
    Sine Value

    A typical digital oscilloscope

    Sine Value


    An oscilloscope displays voltage waveforms

    A typical analogue oscilloscope

    analogue osciloscope
  • Further Study

    The Further Study section at the end of Chapter 2 looks at the measurement of different forms of alternating waveform.
    Have a look at the problem and then watch the video to see how you did.

    🎥 Watch Video

    Key Points

    The magnitude of an alternating waveform can be described by its peak, peak-to-peak, average or r.m.s. value
    The root-mean-square value of a waveform is the value that will produce the same power as an equivalent direct quantity
    Simple analogue ammeter and voltmeters are based on moving coil meters
    Digital multimeters are easy to use and offer high accuracy
    Oscilloscopes display the waveform of a signal and allow quantities such as phase to be measured.

    Measurement of phase difference