• Arduino Programming–IV

    Keyboard Instrument

    With few resistors and buttons you are going to build a small musical keyboard.

    Discover: resistor ladders, arrays

    Arrays are useful for grouping similar types of information together; they are accessed by index numbers which refer to individual elements. Resistor ladders are an easy way to get more digital inputs into a system by plugging into an analog input.

    Information of this workshop:

    Source:   Arduino logo
    Section:   07 | Pages 78 - 85
    Video:   Arduino Tutorial 5

    Digital Hourglass

    In this project, you’ll build a digital hourglass that turns on an LED every ten minutes. know how long you’re working on your projects by using the Arduino’s built-in timer.

    Discover: long data type, creating a timer

    To measure the amount of time between events, use the millis() function. Because the numbers it generates are larger than what you can store in an int, you should use the datatype unsigned long for storing its values.

    Information of this workshop:

    Source:   Arduino logo
    Section:   08 | Pages 86 - 93

  • Arduino Programming–V

    Motorized Pinwheel

    Get the Arduino to spin a colorful pinwheel using a motor.

    Discover: transistors, high current/voltage loads.

    Information of this workshop:

    Source:   Arduino logo
    Section:   09 | Pages 94 - 101
    Video:   Arduino Tutorial 6

    Light Theremin

    Using a tri-color LED and three photoresistors, you’ll create a lamp that smoothly changes colors depending on external lighting conditions.

    This workshop will allow to control over how bright or dim something will be. analogWrite() is the function that allows you to PWM components attached to pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, or 11, varying the duty cycle.

    Information of this workshop:

    Source:   Arduino logo
    Section:   06 | Pages 70 - 77