• Introduction

    ● Bipolar transistors are one of the main ‘building-blocks’ in electronic systems
    ● They are used in both analogue and digital circuits
    ● They incorporate two pn junctions and are sometimes known as bipolar junction transistors or BJTs
    ● Here will refer to them simply as bipolar transistors
    Bipolar junction transistors

    ● Introduction
    ● An overview of bipolar transistors
    ● Bipolar transistor operation
    ● A simple amplifier
    ● Bipolar transistor characteristics
    ● Bipolar amplifier circuits
    ● Bipolar transistor applications
    ● Circuit examples
  • An overview of bipolar transistors

    ● Control in a bipolar transistor is generally considered to be due to an electric current
        – Current into one terminal determines the current between two others
        – A bipolar transistor can be used as a ‘control device’

    ● Relationship between the collector current and the base current in a bipolar transistor
       – characteristic is approximately linear
       – magnitude of collector current is generally many times that of the base current
       – the device provides current gain


        – two polarities: npn and pnp

       – bipolar transistors are 3 terminal devices
    • collector (c)
    • base (b)
    • emitter (e)
       – the base is the control input
       – diagram illustrates the notation used for labelling voltages and currents

    • In transistor circuits, voltages and currents have an AC component superimposed on a DC level.
    • DC and AC voltages are analysed separately and independently • The following notation will be used (emitter current as example):
  • Bipolar transistor operation

    ● We will consider npn transistors
       – pnp devices are similar but with different polarities of voltage and currents
       – when using npn transistors
       • collector is normally more positive than the emitter
       • VCE might be a few volts
       • device resembles two back-to-back diodes – but has very different characteristics
       • with the base open-circuit negligible current flows from the collector to the emitter

    ● Now consider what happens when a positive voltage is applied to the base (with respect to the emitter)
       – This forward biases the base-emitter junction
       – The base region is lightly doped and very thin
       – Because it is lightly doped, the current produced is mainly electrons flowing from the emitter to the base
       – Because the base region is thin, most of the electrons entering the base get swept across the base-collector junction into the collector
       – This produces a collector current that is much larger than the base current – this gives current amplification

    Transistor action

    ● Behaviour can be described by the current gain, hfe or by the transconductance, gm of the device

  • A simple amplifier

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    ● The circuit shows a simple amplifier
       – RB is used to ‘bias’ the transistor by injecting an appropriate base current
       – C is a coupling capacitor and is used to couple the AC signal while preventing external circuits from affecting the bias
       – This is an AC-coupled amplifier

  • Bipolar transistor characteristics

    ● Transistor configurations
       – Transistors can be used in a number of configurations
       – Most common is as shown
       – Emitter terminal is common to input and output circuits
       – This is a common-emitter configuration
       – We will look at the characteristics of the device in this configuration

    Input characteristics
       – The input takes the form of a forward- biased pn junction
       – The input characteristics are therefore similar to those of a semiconductor diode

    Output characteristics
       – region near to the origin is the saturation region
       – this is normally avoided in linear circuits
       – slope of lines represents the output resistance

    ● Transfer characteristics
       – can be described by either the current gain or by the transconductance
       – DC current gain hFE or β is given by IC / IB
       – AC current gain hfe is given by ic / ib
       – transconductance gm is given approximately by
                gm ≈ 40IC ≈ 40 IE siemens

       – the units of gm are those of admittance
       – therefore 1/gm has the units of resistance
       – the quantity 1/gm is termed the emitter resistance re
       – therefore

    Simple equivalent circuits for a bipolar transistor

    Limitations of the simple models
       – While the simple models shown above give a reasonable representation of the behaviour of devices they do not show the effects of the output voltage on the input (as shown here)
       – This can be modelled by thereverse transfer ratio hre

    The hybrid-parameter model

    The hybrid-Π model
        – gives a better representation at high frequencies

    Bipolar transistors at high frequencies
  • Bipolar amplifier circuits

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    Analysis of a simple amplifier
        – Earlier we looked at a simple amplifier
        – This is an AC-coupled amplifier
        – It is convenient to look at its DC (or quiescent) behaviour separately from its AC (or small signal) behaviour
        – We will begin by looking at its DC analysis

  • Example (continued)
       – The base-to-emitter voltage VBE is approximately 0.7 V.
       – Therefore

    DC analysis of a simple amplifier

    Example – see Example 19.1 from course text
    Determine the quiescent collector current and the quiescent output voltage of the following circuit, given that the hFE of the transistor is 100

  • Small signal analysis of an amplifier

    ● To determine the small-signal behaviour of the circuit, we first construct a small-signal equivalent circuit
       – We start with our model of the transistor
    – Then add the other components

    ● From the equivalent circuit, if we ignore the effects of C
       Vbe = Vi
    and therefore

    ● Example – see Example 19.2 from course text
    Determine the small signal voltage gain, input resistance and output resistance of the following circuit, given that hfe = 100 and hoe = 100 μS

    The first step is to construct the small signal equivalent circuit

    ● We first need to establish gm and hie. From the earlier example IE ≈ IC = 1.02 mA Therefore

    Voltage gain

    or, using the approximation: voltage gain ≈ -gm RC = -40.8x10-34700 ≈ -192

    Given the inaccuracies involved, this seems a reasonable approximation

    Input resistance
    – from the equivalent circuit the input resistance is simply RB // hie

    – Since RC << 1/hoe then RC // (1/hoe) ≈ RC and therefore ro ≈ RC
  • Large signal considerations

    We can use a load line

    Choice of operating point

    There are several forbidden regions

    Choice of operating point in a simple amplifier

    Clipping of a sinusoidal signal
  • The effects of device variability on amplifier characteristics

    ● Consider the effects of variations in the current gain of the transistor on the simple amplifier considered earlier

    The use of feedback

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    ● Feedback can be used to overcome the effects of device variability. Consider the following circuits

    Example – see Example 19.3 from course text Determine the quiescent voltages and currents in the following circuit

    – If we assume that the basecurrent is negligible

    – Since VBE is approximately constant at about 0.7 V
    V E = VB - VBE = 2.7 - 0.7 = 2.0V
    – and

    Vo(quiescent) ≈VC = VCC - IC RC = 10V - 2mA x 2.2kΩ = 5.6V

    Example – see Example 19.4 from course text Determine the small-signal behaviour of the following circuit

    – If we assume that VBE is constant it follows that Vbe is very small, and Ve≈Vb≈Vi

    – Therefore

    – and
  • ● A comparison of the frequency responses of various amplifiers
    – for simplicity, the figure shows the responses of amplifiers that are not fitted with coupling capacitors

    ● Use of split emitter resistors
    Use of a decoupling capacitor

    ● A decoupling capacitor removes small-signal feedback

    ● Small-signal equivalent circuit of an amplifier using a decoupling capacitor

  • Amplifier configurations

    ● So far we have concentrated on circuits where the input is applied to the base and the output is taken from the collector – the common-emitter amplifier is the simplest form of these
    ● Transistors are also used in other configurations

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    A common-collector amplifier

    A common-base amplifier
  • Cascaded amplifiers

    ● Capacitive coupling between amplifier stages

    ● A two-stage DC-coupled amplifier
  • Darlington transistors

    ● The darlington connection

    ● A high input resistance buffer amplifier

    ● The complementary darlington connection
  • Bipolar transistor applications

    ● A bipolar transistor as a constant current source

    A bipolar transistor as a current mirror

    Bipolar transistors as differential amplifiers

    ● A long-tailed pair amplifier using a current mirror
  • Circuit examples

    A phase splitter

    A voltage regulator

    A logical switch
  • Key points

    ● Bipolar transistors are widely used in both analogue and digital circuits

    ● They can be considered as either voltage-controlled or current-controlled devices

    ● Their characteristics may be described by their gain or by their transconductance

    ● Feedback can be used to overcome problems of variability

    ● Many amplifier circuits use transistors in a common-emitter configuration where the input is applied to the base and the output is taken from the collector

    ● Common-collector circuits make good buffer amplifiers

    ● Bipolar transistors are used in a wide range of applications
    Further Study

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    ● The Further Study section at the end of Chapter 19 looks at the design of a phase splitter.

    ● We considered a simple circuit earlier, but this suffers from the fact that its two outputs have very different output resistances.

    ● Design an arrangement to overcome this problem and then compare it with that shown in the video.