• Lab 3 - Cascading Style Sheets

    Exercise 3a

    💡 GCU_Info.html

    Create an external style sheet called GCU.css
    Modify GCU_Info.html to use this external style sheet.
    Update GCU.css with the following tag styles
    Refer to your Lecture Notes, Lecture Files AND w3schools
    Do one tag at a time – save the .css file – and refresh GCU_Info.html in Firefox
    Also validate your work

    Color  = #88000
    Background =  #FFFFFF;
    Color  =  #000080;
    font-family =  arial, sans-serif
    Color  =  olive;
    font-family =  arial, sans-serif;
    font-style = italic
    ul  (unordered list)
    list-style-type  = circle
    p   class – band75
    //This only applies to the paragraph beginning   
      background-color: #C8F526;
      border-color: #800000;
      border-style: solid;
      border-width: medium;
      color: #0000CC;
    p   class – band84
    //This only applies to the paragraph beginning 
      background-color: #CCCCCC;
      border-color: #800000;
      border-style: double;
      border-width: 20px;
      color: #0000CC;
      padding: 50px;
      margin: 50px;

    The final page should look like this:

    Exercise 3b

    Change some of the values in gcu.css – and see the effect of these changes:
    For example:
    in p.band85 … change padding to 20px and margin to 20px
    change all headings to be a red font
    make the background colour of both boxes to be the same colour

    Investigate w3schools and try changing other values


    (Note that the design of this page is inconsistent and it has a poor layout. The purpose of this page is to test tags – NOT to be an actual web page)

    Webpage with CSS appled