• Javascript - Lab 1

    1. Look at 💡 formMarkup-1.html . It contains markup for a basic form but there are a number of errors. Correct the errors, making a note of what the problem is and how it can be resolved in each case.

    2. Write the markup which will produce the output shown in formMarkup-2.jpg

  • Javascript - Lab 2

    Download Week 8 Lab Resources

    Create a Folder called ‘JS_Lab2’

    Exercise 1

    You will build up this file gradually Build up the file gradually – get ‘part a’ working first .. and then ‘part b’.. etc
    Using ‘Form_Example.htm’ …. create a file called : ‘Lab2_ex1.htm’

    a. The UserID must be exactly 4 characters long ( it can include any characters.)
    ( Hint : Review the String ‘length’ method )

    b. The User has to input :
    total Weekly hours worked - can be Any Number value

    c. Assume the following hourly rates :
    Weekly … £10 per hour

    d. Add a field to display ‘Total Pay’ ( should be ‘disabled’)

    e. Add a button to :
    Calculate total pay

    Use Alert Box to display errors

    For the pound symbol in HTML5 – use " £ " …. E.g."Weekly Hours ( £ 10 )"

    Calculate Pay Form Example 1

    Exercise 2

    Copy ‘Lab2_ex1.htm’ to create a new file called : ‘Lab2_ex2.htm’

    a. Change the Weekly Hours from a text box to a Drop-Down Box (or similar)
    The Weekly Hours - can now only be 5 hours max
    The user can only input 0 – 5 hours
    Can either use a Drop-down box … or similar ( e.g. HTML5 Number)
    Initial values should be displayed as ‘0’

    b. Add a ‘Clear’ Button :
    Create a function called ‘ ClearAll() ‘
    This will be used to clear each individual item :
    Reset all Text boxes to blank (“”)
    reset Drop-down field to be ‘0’

    Calculate Pay Form Example 2

    Exercise 3

    Copy ‘Lab2_ex2.htm’ to create a new file called : ‘Lab2_ex3.htm’

    a. If the UserID is 4 characters – display it as all UpperCase in a new text box

    b. The User has to also input :
    total Weekend hours worked –use a drop-down list

    c. Assume the following hourly rates :
    Weekly … £10 per hour
    Weekend … £20 per hour

    d. Update the code to calculate the Total Pay – using weekly and weekend hours

    e. Update the ‘Clear’ Button to reset :
    All Text boxes to blank
    Drop-down fields to be ‘0’

    Calculate Pay Form Example 3