• Javascript - Lab 3 –Using InnerHTML

    Download Week 9 Lab Resources

    Exercise A

    Use the file : lab3a.html
    Modify the file to use innerHTML to display the messages
    You should use the relevant <div> fields which have already been added (txtInvalid and txtValid).
    The Alerts should be removed. Errors should be displayed as follows :

    InnerHTML Example 1

    Exercise B

    Use the file : lab3b.html
    Modify the file to use innerHTML to display the messages
    You should use the relevant <div> fields for ERROR MESSAGES which have already been added (txtInvalid1 and txtInvalid2 ).
    The Alerts should be removed

    InnerHTML Example 2

    Also :
    Remove the Full Name text Box from the Table – remove the entire row
    It should be replaced using Inner HTML.
    A <div> will have to be added BELOW the table

    InnerHTML Example 3