• PHP Lab

    Use the PHP_Files.Zip
    Extract the files to a new location – the top level folder will be :
    PHP_Examples_and CW_Files

    Exercise 1

    View all the Lecture files
    They are in the following folder : PHP_LectureExamples

    Exercise 2

    In the PHP_lab folder - there is a copy of PHP_Self.php
    It has been renamed to ….. PHP_Self_Lab.php

    Use String Concatenation ( and relevant ‘upper case’ function)
    Modify the output (assuming that the input is ‘Brian’ and ‘Shields’ ) from :

    Your Details are :
    Your Full Name is Brian Shields

    To :

    User Information :
    Welcome to our Site, BRIAN
    We will add your name (Brian Shields) to our Database