• Map Properties

    The center property specifies where to center the map.
    Create a LatLng object to center the map on a specific point.
    Pass the coordinates in the order: latitude, longitude.

    The zoom property specifies the zoom level for the map.
    zoom: 0 shows a map of the Earth fully zoomed out.
    Higher zoom levels zoom in at a higher resolution.

    The mapTypeId property specifies the map type to display. The following map types are supported:
    ROADMAP (normal, default 2D map)
    SATELLITE (photographic map)
    HYBRID (photographic map + roads and city names)
    TERRAIN (map with mountains, rivers, etc.)

    latitude, longitude

    To obtain these values in Google maps :
    Right-Click on map and choose "What’s here"
    Values will appear – with additional information

    📷 View Latitude and Longitude Example

    Google Maps – Overlays

    🔗 Overlays are objects on the map that are bound to latitude/longitude coordinates.

    Google Maps has several types of overlays:
    Marker - Single locations on a map.
    Polyline - Series of straight lines on a map
    Polygon - Series of straight lines on a map, and the shape is "closed"
    Circle and Rectangle
    Info Windows - Displays content within a popup balloon on top of a map
    Custom overlays

    Google Maps Events

    🔗 http://www.w3schools.com/graphics/google_maps_events.asp
    Click The Marker to Zoom
    Pan Back to Marker
    Open an InfoWindow When Clicking on The Marker
    Set Markers and Open InfoWindow for Each Marker

    Google Maps Controls

    🔗 http://www.w3schools.com/graphics/google_maps_controls.asp

    When showing a standard Google map, it comes with the default controls :
    Zoom - displays a slider or "+/-" buttons to control the zoom level of the map
    Pan - displays a pan control for panning the map
    MapType - lets the user toggle between map types (roadmap and satellite)
    Street View - displays a Pegman icon which can be dragged to the map to enable Street View

    More Controls

    In addition to the default controls, Google Maps also has:
    Scale - displays a map scale element
    Rotate - displays a small circular icon which allows you to rotate maps
    Overview Map - displays a thumbnail overview map reflecting the current map viewport within a wider area

    Refer to W3Schools for information about modifying these controls

    Google Map showing the Latitude and Longitude of Glasgow Caledonain University
    Google Map showing Latitude and Longitude of Glasgow Caledonian University