• 3.0 Activity Diagram


    Activity Diagrams
    Use of Activity Diagrams to validate use cases

    (Activity Diagrams are also discussed in Schaum chapter 11)

    Activity Diagrams

    Are used to describe :
    Procedural logic
    Business process
    Work flow

    Can be used to describe in a variety of ways :
    business process models – i.e. activities and flows which support a (business) process
    complex flows within or between use cases
    the flow within an operation in detail (at the Design stage)

    They are basically sophisticated versions of flowcharts

    Here we are interested in them as ways of describing the flow of actions in a use case – but we will also look at some process examples

    Context for Activity Diagrams

    📷 Activity Diagram

    Not all use cases need to be described using an activity diagram.
    Only the more complicated ones.

    The use case form’s “main flow of events” & “alternative flow of events” sections are the basis for these diagrams

    📷 Activity Diagram

    ‘Borrow Book’ Use Case (Activity)- Example

    Main Flow of Events

    1. Librarian swipes the borrower’s library card. [A1]
    2. Librarian checks that the borrower does not already have his full quota of books on loan. [A2]
    3. Librarian swipes the books bar code.
    4. Librarian checks that the book is available for loan. [A3]
    5. Librarian stamps the book with the return date and hands the book to the borrower

    Alternative flow Of Events

    A1. Borrower is not a library member.
    Librarian adds Borrower as new member (“Add new Library Member”).
    Return to step 1.
    A2. Borrower has full quota of books out already.
    End of use case.
    A3. Book is not available for loan. (i.e. Reference Book)
    End of use case.

    Activity Diagram
    Activity Diagram
  • Notation


    An Activity is the process being modelled
    An Activity is a unit of work that needs to be carried out
    An activity is a workflow that can be drawn with a diagram
    Activity name is written in the top left hand corner
    Inside the activity a number of actions are linked to describe the workflow
    Activities should only have one start point, but can have a number of end-points

    An Activity itself can describe the implementation of a use case.

    Activity Initial and Final Nodes

    Initial node. The filled in circle is the starting point of the diagram.  An initial node isn’t required although it does make it significantly easier to read the diagram.

    Initial Node

    Activity final node. The filled circle with a border is the ending point.  An activity diagram can have more than 1 activity final nodes.

    Activity Final Node


    Basic element of an Activity
    Is a unit of work that needs to be carried out
    The rounded rectangles represent actions (not activities) that occur
    It may take a long time or a short time.
    Actions can be decomposed into subactivites – nesting an activity in an action (actions can have multiple flows in and multiple flows out)

    Actions Screenshot

    Activity Edge (or Flow)

    Is shown as an arrow

    When an action completes execution, flow of control passes immediately to the next action
    So no need for a label for actions or events

    The only label that may be used is a Guard Condition

    Decision Nodes

    Guard Image
    Has a single (usually) incoming flow

    Has several guarded (conditional) out bound flows

    Each outbound flow has a guard
    A guard is a boolean condition placed inside square brackets e.g. [priority order]
    Each time you reach a decision you take only one of the outbound flows
    The guards are mutually exclusive
    [else] flow indicates all other guards on the decision are false


    Merges Image
    A merge has multiple input flows and a single output

    A merge marks the end of conditional behaviour started by a decision
  • Guards (Conditions) & Decisions

    If there are two or more possible flows of control from an action (two or more alternative actions that control may go to next), this can be drawn in two different ways.

    Either :
    a single edge leaves the first action and goes to a Decision Node. The alternative edges then leave the decision node labeled with guards. (ex 1a)
    the alternative edges are drawn, with guards, leaving the first action (ex 1b)

    📷 Ex 1a - Multiple exits from an action - With decision Node
    📷 Ex 1b : Multiple exits from an action using guards

    [ Guards ]

    Multiple exits from an action
    ( see previous two examples )

    Guards MUST ALWAYS be used

    Guards MUST ALWAYS have Square Brackets
    …. [ guard ]

    ALL Alternative Flows MUST have a Guard

    Concurrency - Using Forks & Joins

    Concurrency occurs when a number of Actions run in parallel
    The multiple paths are shown using a Fork node
    Once ALL the actions are completed can then continue - (using a Join Node)

    Forks & Joins

    Fork and Join

    Forks & Joins - Example

    Product is designed first
    The product is marketed and manufactured concurrently
    The product is sold ONLY after :
    BOTH the Marketing AND the Manufacturing are complete

    📷 Example Diagram

    Activity Partitions

    are used to show who (or what) is doing specific activities in the activity model.
    Partitions are denoted using columns and the specific activities are grouped into these columns
    Activity diagrams tell you what happens, but they do not tell you who does what
    If you want to show who does what – you can divide an activity diagram into partitions – which show which action one class or organisation unit carries out.

    “Activity Partitions” can be used to show who or what is carrying out the actions in the diagram.

    Activity Partitions Diagram

    The following Activity Diagram is for an activity : “Process Order”

    It includes most of the notation required in Activity Diagrams

    Activity Partitions Diagram
    Decision Nodes
    Decision Nodes should be used – see previous diagram
    But this technique may also be used

    Decision Nodes
    Process Order Diagram
  • Activity Diagrams are useful in the following situations

    Analysing a use case
    Verifying a use case with stakeholders
    Understanding workflow
    Describing a complicated sequential algorithm
    Dealing with multithreaded applications

    Each of these can be described as a Activity


    Draw an Activity Diagram to model the workflow in the process (activity) of making a cup of tea

    We’re using a tea bag in a cup – main flow

    Option to have milk – alternative flow(s)
    can be added before or after the water
    (will ignore sugar/sweeteners in this example)

    Main Flow Of Events

    Main Flow Of Events: ( without milk)

    1. Fill kettle
    Boil kettle
    2. Get Tea bag
    3. Get Cup
    Place Teabag in Cup
    ( Note : No particular order for steps 1 -> 3 )
    4. Add Boiled Water to Cup [A1]

    End of use Case

    All Event

    Main Flow Of Events

    1. Fill kettle
    Boil kettle

    2. Get Tea bag
    3. Get Cup
    Place Teabag in Cup

    ( Note : No particular order for steps 1 -> 3 )
    4. Add Boiled Water to Cup [A1]
    End of use Case

    Alternative Flow Of Events

    A1 Add Milk [A2]

    A2 Add Milk before Water (Add Milk To cup and then Add Water to cup)
    Add Milk after water (Add Water to cup and then Add Milk To cup)
    End of use case.

    Tea Activity Diagram

    Note the use of A1, A2 etc in the Activity Diagram

    These are the Alternative Flows of Events from the Use Case Description

    The use of A1/A2 etc do not need to be shown on the Activity Diagram – BUT they do help the checking to ensure that all flows appear on the Activity Diagram
  • ‘Borrow Book’ Use Case (Activity)- Example

    Main Flow of Events

    1. Librarian swipes the borrower’s library card. [A1]
    2. Librarian checks that the borrower does not already have his full quota of books on loan. [A2]
    3. Librarian swipes the books bar code.
    4. Librarian checks that the book is available for loan. [A3]
    5. Librarian stamps the book with the return date and hands the book to the borrower

    Alternative flow Of Events,

    A1. Borrower is not a library member.
    Librarian adds Borrower as new member ( “Add new Library Member”).
    Return to step 1.
    A2. Borrower has full quota of books out already.
    End of use case.
    A3. Book is not available for loan (i.e. Reference Book)
    End of use case.

    Borrow Book Use Case

    Exam Marking Process (activity) - Example

    Main Flow of Events

    1. Exam is marked. [A1]
    2. Mark entered in mark sheet.
    3. Exam paper given to 2nd marker. [A2]
    4. Mark confirmed by 2nd marker.
    5. Mark passed to administrator to be entered in system.
    6. External examiner looks at exam paper while special factors committee considers any special factors.
    7. Exam Board considers result. [A3]
    8. Exam Board confirms result.
    9. Administrator updates system.

    Alternative flow Of Events

    A1. Mark between 35 & 39 return to step1 (remark paper)
    A2. 2nd marker thinks paper is incorrectly marked return to step1 (remark paper)
    A3. It is suggested that mark be changed return to step 7 (reconsider)

    Exam Marking Process Activity
  • Additional Notation

    Sub-Activities (Call Behaviour Actions)

    Event-Based Actions
    Accept Signal
    Time Signal
    Send Signal


    (Call Behaviour Actions)

    Actions can call activities themselves.
    These actions are referred to as sub-activities – or call behaviour actions
    They can be used to split a system into smaller parts

    Notation :

    Sub Activites Notation Diagrams

    Example is from UML@Classroom :

    The execution of an action can call an activity
    Content of the called activity can be modeled elsewhere
    Model becomes clearer

    Sub Activites Notation Diagrams

    Event-Based Actions

    Event-based actions enable objects and signals to be transmitted to receiver objects.

    Accept Signal :

    The signal indicates that the activity receives an event from an outside process. The activity constantly listens for these signals
    The notation element for an accept event action is a “concave pentagon”—a rectangle with a tip that points inwards from the left.

    Accept Signal Diagrams

    Time Signal :

    If the event is a time-based event, (e.g end of the month, Semester starts, etc) - the notation is an hourglass.
    (Note : Time signal is NOT available in StarUML)

    Time Signal Diagrams

    To accepts events
    Accept event action
    Accept Events Diagrams

    Accept time event action
    Accept Events Diagrams

    Send Signal:

    Although, the Accept and Time Signals are just waiting for an external event – we can also use a Send signal
    To send signals, you can use send signal actions.
    Send signal actions are denoted with a “convex pentagon”—a rectangle with a tip that protrudes to the right.

    Send Signal Diagrams

    Event-Based Actions

    To send signals
    Send signal action

    Send Signal Diagrams
  • UML@Classroom

    Activity Diagram Slides from UML@Classroom can be downloaded here

    For info :

    Some of the examples used by UML@Classroom for Activity Diagrams do not model complete processes—some of the models are restricted to extracts of processes.

    Thus, for example, some of the diagrams do not contain initial and final nodes. In practice, however, a complete activity diagram MUST have clearly defined start and end points.

    And finally …..

    Activity Diagrams Tutorial
    Must be done for next week

    StarUML Videos :
    Activity Diagrams
    Printing Diagrams
School of Engineering and Built Environment