• 9.0 Communication (Collaboration) Diagrams, Timing Diagrams, Interaction Overview Diagrams

    Sequence & Communication Diagrams

    Sequence diagrams :
    show interactions and emphasise the order of the messages over time

    Communication (collaboration) diagrams :
    Show same interaction in the context of the classes that participate in the interaction
    Show the structural relationships of the classes to one another

    Communication Diagrams

    These are a kind of Interaction diagram

    Previously (before UML 2) called collaboration diagrams

    Like sequence diagrams, they are used to model interactions between objects that deliver the functionality of a use case by showing the messages that are passed between participants (usually objects)

    A communication diagram looks like a class/object diagram, but it has :
    messages added to the links between classes
    a numbering system before each message to give the order in which they are sent.

    Refer to Module Handout B for a detailed description

    (Reading Schaum chapter 10)
  • Uses of a Communication Diagram

    Can be used while the class diagrams are being elaborated to help the analyst understand the groupings of objects that participate in the realisation of the use case

    They can also be used to specify the objects that take part in operations

    We need to remember that the process of developing an Object-Oriented System is iterative – these interaction diagrams might identify new classes/attributes/operations that need to be added to the class diagram

    If they’re similar to sequence diagrams, why do we need them and when do we use them?

    In general :
    sequence diagrams are better at showing the sequence of calls (messages)
    ommunication diagrams are better at showing links between objects/participants.

    Sequence diagrams are better for showing control logic, like loops and selection (if .. else) .

    However, Communication diagrams are easier to draw and to change quickly. Easier in brainstorming sessions (e.g. scribbling on a whiteboard). If used like this, it’s a similar technique to CRC cards.

    Here is the class siagram for the use case

    In order to carry out the task - calculate the order price - the objects have to communicate with each other. They communicate using their operations. This is what we mean when we talk of passing messages.

    Look at each class to see what information objects of the class would hold and what operations they can carry out.

    use Case Diagram

    Here is the Sequence diagram for the price calculating use case.

    Sequence Diagram

    Communication Diagram of the Calculate Order Price use case

    Communication Diagram
  • Notation of Communication Diagrams


    Participants Diagram

    Syntax for name of lifeline is the same as for Sequence diagrams.


    Links Diagram

    Links are ONLY drawn on communication diagrams to support the passing of messages between the participants in the interaction


    Messages are shown by an arrow pointing in the direction that the message is sent and a label that specifies the message

    Message Diagram

    A message is the same as a message in Sequence diagrams, and is defined as a specification of the conveyance of information from one instance to another with the expectation that activity will ensue

    A message may specify the raising of a signal or the call of an operation

    Message may be one of the following:

    a signal sent from one object to another

    an operation being invoked on another object

    creation/destruction of an object instance

    The arrow represents the flow of control

    The message arrows are the same as those for sequence diagrams

    Where the flow of control is synchronous there is only one thread of execution – the activity passes from one lifeline to another

    Where the flow of control is asynchronous more than one lifeline can be active at any one time

    Message Diagram

    The syntax for messages is the same as that for sequence diagrams

    Sequence-expression [attribute=] signal-or-operation-name [(arguments)] [:return-value]

    However, the notation for communication diagrams includes the sequence-expression (a number) at the start

  • Sequence expression (numbering)

    Sequence expression defines the order in which the interactions take place
    It is a dot separated list of sequence-terms followed by a colon
    Each term represents a level of nesting within an interaction
    If an object receives an operation call numbered 1: and as a result sends an operation call to another two objects
    the operation calls will have sequence expressions 1.1: and 1.2:

    Recurrence (loops)

    Used for messages that are sent iteratively or are sent depending on a guard condition

    Shown using an *
    e.g. *[while not end-of-file]

    It is equivalent to a loop combined fragment in a sequence diagram

    Recurrance Loop Diagram

    Communication Diagram of the Calculate Order Price use case With recurrence

    Communication Diagram

    How to produce Communication diagrams

    Decide on the context of the interaction: system, subsystem, use cases or operation

    Identify the structural elements (objects, subsystems) necessary to carry out the functionality of the interaction

    Model the structural relationships between those elements to produce a diagram showing the context of the interaction

    Consider the alternative scenarios that may be required

    Draw communication diagram


    A Communication (Collaboration) Diagram can be easily created from an existing Sequence Diagram :
    Select Sequence Diagram in Model Explorer
    From Main Menu :
    Model -> Convert Diagram -> Sequence to Collaboration
    Tidy up Diagram – using drag-and drop
  • Other Types of Interaction Diagrams

    Timing Diagrams
    Interaction Overview Diagrams

    Interaction Diagrams

    In UML – there a FOUR types of Interaction Diagrams :
    Sequence Diagrams
    Communication Diagrams
    Timing Diagrams
    Interaction Overview Diagrams

    Timing Diagram

    Timing Diagram is a specific type of interaction diagram, where the focus is on timing constraints.
    Timing diagrams are used to explore the behaviours of a single object or a collection of objects throughout a given period of time.
    A timing diagram is a special form of a sequence diagram.
    The differences between timing diagram and sequence diagram are the axes are reversed so that :
    time is increased from left to right
    lifelines are shown in separate compartments arranged vertically.
    Timing Diagrams are not frequently used


    Let's take a simple scenario based on the pump and hotplate for a coffee pot.

    Let's imagine a rule that says that
    at least 10 seconds must pass between the pump coming on and the hotplate coming on.

    When the water reservoir becomes empty :
    the pump switches off
    and the hotplate cannot stay on for more than 15 minutes more.

    📷 Ex. 1 - Showing States as Lines
    📷 Ex. 2 - Showing States as Areas

    Both of these examples illustrate alternative ways of showing the timing constraints.

    Both diagrams show the same basic information.

    The main difference is :
    Ex. 1 shows the state changes by moving from one horizontal line to another
    Ex. 2 retains the same horizontal position but shows state changes with a cross.

    The style of Ex. 1 works better when there are just a few states, as in this case, and Ex. 2 is better when there are many states to deal with.
    Example 1 Showing States as Lines
    Example 2 Showing States as Areas
  • Interaction Overview Diagrams

    Interaction overview diagrams are a grafting together of activity diagrams and sequence diagrams.
    They are used to model the high level flow of control between interactions

    You can think of interaction overview diagrams either as :
    activity diagrams in which the activities are replaced by small sequence diagrams
    as a sequence diagram broken up with activity diagram notation used to show control flow.


    Interaction Overview Diagram

    Example - Description

    The notation is familiar – it uses activity diagrams and sequence diagrams

    In this Example , we want to produce and format an Order Summary Report :
    If external customer - we get the information from XML
    if internal customer - we get it from a database.

    Small sequence diagrams show the two alternatives.

    Once we get the data, we format the report; in this case, we don't show the sequence diagram but simply reference it with a reference interaction frame.

    StarUML videos

    Sequence Diagram Video available

    Also, a video which covers the following :
    Producing Collaboration Diagrams from Sequence Diagrams ( for information)
    State Machine Diagrams (for coursework)
    Printing Diagrams from StarUML (for coursework )
School of Engineering and Built Environment