Summary: |
The term “template” term is used in a number of different ways in front end web development. This is potentially confusing as the literature available uss the term to mean different thisngs at diffetent times.. The term can be used to refer to
CSS templates. These can simply be a collection of CSS
CMS templates. CMS templates are used to are used to enforce a common ‘look and feel’ across a website. These are often written using a mixture of CSS, php and xml.
JavaScript templates/ templating engine. These allow easy inclusion of external data
A templating engine, with regard to front-end development, is simply a library that binds data with markup on the fly or otherwise dynamically.
This could occur at runtime or possibly at design time
To add to the potential confusion the terms “template” and “framework” are also frequently used used interchangeably however they are not the same. Generally speaking framework are more powerful and have greater functionality than front-end templates.
Software framework are abstractions in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user-written code . In the case of JavaScript framework the software take the form of a web application framework that makes it easier and faster to produce JavaScript that is compatible with multiple browsers and devices. Frameworks are considered in a different week of this module. |