WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.007 --> 00:00:03.004 Hello there and welcome to this module 2 00:00:03.116 --> 00:00:05.116 my name's Iain Stewart and i'm the tutor 3 00:00:05.118 --> 00:00:08.007 up at Glasgow Caledonian University. 4 00:00:09.000 --> 00:00:11.005 In this module your going to be learning 5 00:00:11.113 --> 00:00:13.226 about programmable systems and in particular 6 00:00:14.000 --> 00:00:17.005 your going to be learning about interactive programmable systems 7 00:00:17.111 --> 00:00:20.000 based on the Lego robotics Mindstorm series. 8 00:00:21.112 --> 00:00:23.006 The device that your going to be working with 9 00:00:23.113 --> 00:00:25.228 is this its called an EV3 robot 10 00:00:26.005 --> 00:00:29.003 and its got a mix of sensors and motors 11 00:00:29.009 --> 00:00:30.228 that your able to interact with 12 00:00:31.004 --> 00:00:33.228 using the programs that you'll be writing throughout this module 13 00:00:34.222 --> 00:00:37.113 the device as it stands has got four main sensors 14 00:00:38.005 --> 00:00:39.113 a light sensor 15 00:00:39.222 --> 00:00:41.004 a touch sensor 16 00:00:41.221 --> 00:00:44.009 a gyro sensor to detect movement 17 00:00:44.226 --> 00:00:45.225 and at the front 18 00:00:45.229 --> 00:00:49.002 an ultrasonic sensor to detect distance from objects. 19 00:00:50.008 --> 00:00:52.006 It also has three motors 20 00:00:52.220 --> 00:00:55.000 one of the motors works this robot arm 21 00:00:55.001 --> 00:00:56.002 which can move up and down 22 00:00:56.110 --> 00:00:58.224 and the other two motors drive the wheels 23 00:00:59.006 --> 00:01:01.111 independently which allows you to be able to 24 00:01:01.112 --> 00:01:03.007 control the movement of the robot. 25 00:01:04.113 --> 00:01:07.110 The use of this allows you to experiment with writing code 26 00:01:07.115 --> 00:01:09.226 that interacts and behaves in the real world 27 00:01:10.003 --> 00:01:12.117 and is using software to control motors 28 00:01:12.223 --> 00:01:15.007 and to read from sensors very much in the way 29 00:01:15.110 --> 00:01:17.006 that real world systems do. 30 00:01:19.118 --> 00:01:21.117 This is very much a practical module 31 00:01:21.223 --> 00:01:23.118 you'll be working a lot in the labs 32 00:01:23.222 --> 00:01:26.001 although there are a lot of video tutorials 33 00:01:26.004 --> 00:01:28.111 and other resources that you can call on 34 00:01:28.223 --> 00:01:31.000 in the labs you will be working with your tutors 35 00:01:31.007 --> 00:01:32.228 to work through a set of exercises 36 00:01:33.000 --> 00:01:34.226 to develop your skills in programming 37 00:01:35.003 --> 00:01:38.006 at the end of this we don't expect to make you expert programmers 38 00:01:38.111 --> 00:01:39.223 what we do expect to do 39 00:01:39.226 --> 00:01:42.222 is give you an understanding about the development of software 40 00:01:43.000 --> 00:01:45.004 some of the key commands that are available 41 00:01:45.008 --> 00:01:48.003 and also how software interacts with hardware 42 00:01:48.007 --> 00:01:51.003 in the real world, in the real engineering environments 43 00:01:51.007 --> 00:01:54.001 like you'll encounter once you go out to work in industry. 44 00:01:54.228 --> 00:01:58.116 Now like every module there is an element of assessment to it 45 00:01:58.228 --> 00:02:00.009 in this particular module 46 00:02:00.114 --> 00:02:03.110 you'll find in the assignments area there's a lab write up book 47 00:02:03.117 --> 00:02:05.225 which gets you to fill in sections 48 00:02:05.229 --> 00:02:08.226 as you work through the later lab exercises 49 00:02:10.007 --> 00:02:13.001 work with your tutors seek advice from them 50 00:02:13.008 --> 00:02:15.119 your not meant to work by yourselves your meant to collaborate 52 00:02:15.220 --> 00:02:17.002 and develop your understanding 53 00:02:17.005 --> 00:02:19.007 but ultimately the submission you put in the end 54 00:02:19.008 --> 00:02:20.223 must be your own work. 55 00:02:22.007 --> 00:02:25.110 This module should be fun, your going to learn a lot of skills 56 00:02:25.119 --> 00:02:28.110 and your going to be given quite a few challenges 57 00:02:28.220 --> 00:02:31.004 I hope you enjoy yourselves, best wishes.