The design phase is one of the major parts of the SDLC (software development life cycle). How well an application performs and meets its business goals is directly affected by decisions made during this phase.
Designing secure software requires a secure mind-set. Envisioning the finished product and looking at it from various perspectives is essential to achieving a well-rounded application design that is also secure. The best way to achieve secure application design is to follow proven industry practices as well as thinking out of the box in cases where newer technologies are to be used.
Discussed below are 11 principles that have been tried and tested and proved to deliver secure applications. Nowadays it is common in the security community to assume that you have an attacker on your system. The question is how quickly one can discover the compromise? This is the extent of our security brokenness. Hopefully these principles will help limit the damage that an attack can cause.
Least Privilege
This a security design principle in which a person or process is given only the minimum level of access rights (privileges) that is necessary for that person or process to complete an assigned operation. This right must be given for a minimum amount of time that is necessary to complete the operation
The principle of least privilege states that a subject should be given only those privileges that it needs in order to complete its task. It limits possible damage in case of exploited vulnerabilities.
In order to implement this principle, one needs proper granularity of privileges and permissions to apply this principle.
- Example
- Weakness of some Microsoft Applications: IIS 5 runs under the Local System account, equivalent to root privileges.
- Some people recommend that Apache should run as user “nobody” under UNIX
- Apache server can be installed as root which is a disaster if compromised. Always use a service account
Separation of Duties
Also known as the compartmentalization principle, or separation of privilege. Separation of duties is a security principle which states that the successful completion of a single task is dependent upon two or more conditions that need to be met and just one of the conditions will be insufficient in completing the task by itself.
The deeper you go into the centre the higher the privileges required
Defense In Depth
Also known as layered defense,
Defense in depth is a security principle where single points of complete compromise are eliminated or mitigated by the incorporation of: a series or multiple layers of security safeguards and risk-mitigation countermeasures.
The message here is: Have diverse security strategies, so that if one layer of defense turns out to be inadequate, another layer of defense will hopefully prevent a full breach
- For SQL injection mitigation a layered security needs to be followed:
- Validate all the tainted inputs for bad/danger characters
- Use of Parameterised prepared statements through out the application
- Use low privileged database account for all DB interactions
- Can be further enhanced by role based access accounts etc.
Fail Safe
A security principle that aims to maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability by defaulting to a secure state in the event of a malfunction of some sort.
Rapid recovery of software resiliency upon design or implementation failure.
In the context of software security, fail secure is commonly used interchangeably with fail safe, which comes from physical security terminology.
Make your application fail to a known state. Try and roll back to a known good state instead of crashing and displaying a stack trace on the screen.
Unless a subject is given explicit access to an object, it should be denied access to that object, aka Fail Safe Defaults
- Example
- Apache access control through .htaccess: first (default) rule:
Deny from all allow from… (white listing) - Earlier firewalls used to come with all ports open and one has to explicitly close them to deny traffic on that port. Many security breaches have happened because of this
- Now in almost all firewalls, by default the ports will be closed
Economy of Mechanism
Image from https://www.imforza.com This in layman terms is the Keep It Simple principle because the likelihood of a greater number of vulnerabilities increases with the complexity of the software architectural design and code.
By keeping the software design and implementation details simple, the attack ability or attack surface of the software is reduced.
Complete Mediation
A security principle that ensures that authority is not circumvented in subsequent requests of an object by a subject. It achieved by checking for authorisation (rights and privileges) upon every request for the object.
In other words, the access requests by a subject for an object is completely mediated each time, every time.
All access to objects must be checked to ensure that they are allowed.
- You need to watch out for:
- Performance versus Security issue
- Results of access check are often cached
- What if permissions have changed since the last check
- Mechanisms to invalidate or flush caches after a change are often missing
- Example
- DNS Cache Poisoning Vulnerabilities
- Consider software in which authorisation checking information is cached at client side. This cache is refreshed in certain intervals. Even if the permissions are revoked for a particular user, the user can still be able to perform privileged action until the cache is refreshed
Open Design
Focus on making sure that the encryption key is not stolen. Security by obscurity never works.
The open design security principle states that the implementation details of the design should be independent of the design itself, which can remain open.
Unlike in the case of security by obscurity wherein the security of the software is dependent upon obscuring the design itself.
When software is architected using the open design concept, the review of the design itself will not result in the compromise of the safeguards in the software.
The security of a mechanism should not depend on the secrecy of its design or implementation. If the details of the mechanism leak then it is a catastrophic failure for all the users at once
If the secrets are abstracted from the mechanism, e.g., inside a key, then leakage of a key only affects one user.
Hidden parameters used in Web Applications for authorisation, computation etc. Everyone can read them once compromised
Least Common Mechanism
The security principle of least common mechanisms disallows the sharing of mechanisms that are common to more than one user or process if the users and processes are at different levels of privilege.
Avoid dual functionality – privileged and unprivileged, guest and admin. Avoid using the same login mechanisms for guest Wi-Fi as corporate Wi-Fi. If guest Wi-Fi is compromised then the attacker could elevate their privileges and potential compromise the corporate Wi-Fi as well.
For example, the use of the same function to retrieve the bonus amount for an exempt employee and a non exempt employee could potentially be abused. In this case the calculation of the bonus is the common mechanism which should not be shared.
Psychological Acceptability
- A security principle that aims at maximising the usage and adoption of the security functionality in the software by ensuring that the security functionality is easy to use. Transparency is an essential requirement for this security principle to be effective.
- Make sure people understand why
- Be transparent about security
- If people don’t see the value of security, they will defeat it
- Security mechanisms should not make the resource more difficult to access than if security mechanism were not present
Problem: If people do not understand why they have to do things a certain way or security makes the whole process awkward, users will look for ways to defeat the mechanism and “prop the doors open”
- Examples
- Biometric authentication mechanism requiring hair samples
- Higher n Factor authentication may discourage users from opting in
Weakest Link
This security principle states that the resiliency of your software against hacker attempts will depend heavily on the protection of its weakest components, be it code, service or an interface. Hackers and pentesters look for weak points.
Leveraging Existing Components
This security principle focuses on ensuring that the attack surface is not increased and no new vulnerabilities are introduced by promoting the reuse of existing secure software components, code and functionality. New components may introduce vulnerabilities. Any new components will need to be tested both in isolation and together with anything that interfaces with them.
We leverage existing components by using trusted secure design patterns, frameworks or libraries.
11 Principles
How they support the core security
Take your design and test it against the 11 principles
They are meant to make you think