Browse by Tags: information literacy

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Number of items: 42.

Anything you Wish you had Done Differently? -
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Appraising Evidence Lectures: Literature Searching -

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Appraising Evidence for Healthcare: Literature Searching -
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Appraising Evidence: Literature Searching -
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Assessing the Impact our Information Literacy Skills Packages (SMILE - Study Methods and Information Literacy Exemplars) and PILOT (Postgraduate Information Literacy Online Training). -
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Bonus Video - GCU News Collection (Closed Captions) -
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Bonus Video: GCU Library News Collection
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Do you Print all the Articles you Find? -
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Does E-access Make Research Easier? -
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Effective Google Searching worksheet -

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Evaluating sources guide -
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Evaluation Checklist
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GCU 24-7 Search Skills -
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GCU Podcasts: Literature Searching -
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Group Activity: Young people & smartphones
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Growing a SMIRK -
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How did you Find and Use Keywords? -
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How did you Go About it? -
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How do you Know you have Found Everything? -
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Journal Searching -
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Library Induction: Literature Searching -
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Library PowerPoint: Information Skills -
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collection Marion's library induction videos
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PILOT 4.0 -

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Parallel Lines -
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Parallel Lines: a Look at Some Common Issues in the Development, Repurposing and Use of Online IL Training Resources. -
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Planning a structured literature search: Video 1 -

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SMILE 4.0 -

Katy Wrathall
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SMILE: I, Student. -
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SMILE: Life on Campus -
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SMIRK - the Wee Mobile SMILE. -
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Video 1 - Getting started with research (Closed Captions) -
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Video 1: Getting started with research -
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Video 2 - Finding reliable news (Closed Captions) -
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Video 2: Finding Reliable News -
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Video 3 - Group Activity (Closed Captions) -
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Video 3: Group Activity -
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What Were the Benefits of Doing a Literature Search? -
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What do you do to keep Up to Date? -
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What if you Find too Much Information? -
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What is your Search Strategy? -
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Why did you Do a Literature Search? -
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This list was generated on Fri Sep 20 12:24:06 2024 UTC.