Mr Allan Thomson

Job title: Lecturer in Podiatry

Department: Department of Psychology and Allied Health Sciences, SHLS

Organisation: Glasgow Caledonian University

Address: Govan Mbeki Building Glasgow Caledonian University Cowcaddens Road Glasgow

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Expertise: Podiatry, Ultrasound (MSK Foot and Ankle), Prescribing, Advanced Practice

Allan is a Lecturer in Podiatry in the Department of Psychology and Allied Health Sciences. He qualified as a Podiatrist in 1999 with a BSc(Hons) in Podiatric Medicine from Glasgow Caledonian University. His first podiatry post was with NHS Ayrshire and Arran where he developed his skills across a range of community and secondary care settings. In 2003 he moved to Glasgow taking a senior podiatry post at Stobhill Hospital and Glasgow Royal Infirmary where he broadened his experience with clinics in diabetes, nail surgery, occupational health and musculoskeletal clinics. In 2005 he pursued a growing interest in foot surgery embarking on an MSc in Theory of Podiatric Surgery and taking a new appointment within the orthopaedic foot and ankle surgery service at the Western Infirmary of more...

MSc, PGCert Ultrasound; BSc (Hons); FFPM RCPS(Glasg)

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